Legal Notice
Mircap Partners
29 rue de Miromesnil – 75008 Paris
Email :
French SAS with a capital of 350,000 euros
Paris RCS n°910 486 869
AMF Agreement n°GP-202224
1. Publisher
This website,, (hereinafter the “Site”) is published by Mircap Partners (hereinafter “the Publisher”)
Editorial director is M. Michele Mezzarobba.
2. Design and hosting
The site was designed by SUPERTAG.
Credits : Integration and programming Conobium, Scripts and software under free licenses (WordPress, Query, Bootstrap...).
The Site is hosted by :
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3. Purpose and content
The purpose of the Site is to provide information about Mircap Partners activities and the main features of its products and services.
The information, analyses and data published on the Site are purely indicative and shall not constitute an offer, recommendation or solicitation to purchase or sell any product or services offered by Mircap Partners.
It is also specified that the products and services provided on this Site may be subject to legal restrictions or bans in certain countries and that any person visiting this Site must verify and ensure that they are legally authorized to access this Site and that they are aware of the tax implications of investing in a product or service offered by Mircap Partners.
Furthermore, it is reminded that past performance does not guarantee future performance and that given the significant risks regarding the investment in a Private Equity fund, any person visiting this Site should consult its usual advisors to assist them in their decision.
4. Intellectual property rights
The Site and all the information contained on it, including without limitation, trademarks, logos, icons computer graphics or photographs are the property of Mircap Partners or their respective owners and are protected with copyrights.
Any use, reproduction, exploitation or representation, by any process or means, of all or part of the Site and/or its elements is absolutely forbidden, except with the prior express content of the Publisher and would be considered as a an infringement according to the French Intellectual Property Code (articles L.335-2 and others).
5. Personal information
The Publisher is responsible for processing of personal data collected on the Site.
The terms and conditions regarding the collection, use and deletion of such data are set out in the Privacy Policy available on the Site
6. Liability
The contents are provided for general information purposes only.
Mircap Partners does not accept any responsibility and does not make any representation or warranty as to its accuracy and completeness as well as the relevance of the analyses, financial projections and conclusions the Site contains. The information contained on this Site is subject to amendment and verification.
Mircap Partners makes reasonable efforts to update the Site on a regular basis, however, it is possible that information may remain out of date or incorrect. This Site is not necessarily updated on a daily basis and some information could be outdated.
The Site may contain hypertext links to other sites that may not be under the control of the Publisher. Therefore, the Publisher could not be held as liable regarding the content of these sites or for the impossibility of accessing these sites. Links to Mircap Partners website are not permitted without the prior written agreement of Mircap Partners.
If you experience any difficulty accessing or navigating through the Site, please report such issues using the following email: . The Publisher will do its best to quickly stop the issue.
7. Miscelleanous
This Site is mainly intended for French individuals or corporate entities.
The Site is governed by French law.
8. Voting policy
In accordance with the General Regulations of the AMF (French regulator), Mircap Partners has defined a voting policy in order to present and define the principles implemented regarding the exercice of the voting rights assigned to the securities held by the investment funds (FCPR, FCPI, FPCI and other alternative investments funds) managed by Mircap Partners.
Mircap Partners considers the exercise of voting rights to be an integral part of the fund’s investment management and intends to fully honor its role as a shareholder.
It is the policy of the investment management company to physically attend all shareholder meetings of the funds’ investments under management and to exercise the voting rights attached to them. Mircap Partners is generally represented at meetings by the person responsible for the investment or by any person holding a specific authority.
Otherwise, in cases where the physical presence of one of its representatives is impossible or where the resolutions presented at the meeting only involve minor matters for the investment, it will exercise the voting rights by correspondence. If it is impossible to exercise these two guidelines, a proxy may be given to the legal representative of the investment or to an informed third party chosen by Mircap Partners. In this case, and depending on the nature of the resolution, the proxy may be free or restricted.
For more information, please contact the management company.
9. Complaints processing
Mircap Partners, establishes and maintains an efficient and transparent procedure for the reasonable and prompt handling of client complaints
A complaint is a statement of the client's discontent with the service provided by the investment management company. A request for information, advice, clarification, service, or prestation is not a complaint.
Clients may submit complaints to the management company free of charge. The management company does not charge a fee for handling complaints.
Complaints can be addressed to Mircap Partners as follows:
- by post to the following address: Mircap Partners, 29 rue de Miromesnil - 75008 Paris
- by email to the following address:
Mircap Partners will acknowledge that it has received the written complaint within a maximum of 10 working days, from the date of sending, unless a response is made to the client before this period.
A response to the complaint will be made to the client within a maximum of two months from the date of sending of the written complaint, unless special circumstances arise and are duly justified. If a response cannot be provided within this period, the customer will be contacted and informed of the reason for the delay, specifying the deadline for the response.
Clients may submit a complaint in the official language or one of the official languages of the Member State in which the fund is marketed or where the service is provided.
Clients may contact the AMF Ombudsman if they are not satisfied with the response to their complaint
- by filling in a form on the website:
- by contacting the Ombudsman by post: Autorité des marchés financiers, La Médiation, 17, place de la Bourse 75082 Paris Cedex 02.
An Ombudsman's Charter, produced by the Autorité des Marchés Financiers, is available on the website under the heading "The Ombudsman".
10. Conflicts of interest
In accordance with Article 318-13 of the AMF General Regulations, Mircap Partners takes all reasonable measures to identify conflicts of interest that may arise in the management of the AIF. The management company shall maintain and apply effective organizational and administrative measures to take all reasonable steps to identify, prevent, manage, and monitor conflicts of interest so that they do not adversely affect the interests of the AIF and its shareholders.
Any potential conflict of interests must be reported to Mircap Partners, who will take the necessary measures to (i) analyze the situation and (ii) remedy the situation.
In the event that the management company finds that the measures deployed are insufficient to guarantee, with reasonable certainty, that the risk of harming the interests of clients can be avoided, the company will inform the clients involved in writing of the nature of the conflict or the source so that they can make their decision in full knowledge of the facts.
11. Remuneration policy
Mircap Partners' remuneration policies promote sound and effective risk management and aim to not encourage risk-taking, including sustainability risks, which are not compatible with the risk profiles of the investment funds managed by the management company.
12. Reminder of the main risks
Investment funds mainly invest in unlisted or low-capitalized companies. The main risks faced by these funds are:
Risk of loss of capital: the funds are invested in unlisted securities and do not benefit from any capital guarantee, it is therefore possible that the capital initially invested may not be fully repaid.
Liquidity risk: the funds are mainly invested in unlisted securities, which do not benefit from immediate liquidity, these investments are likely to remain locked up for several years or even to be sold at a lower price than their market value, which will result in a reduction in the fund’s net asset value.
Credit risk: risk of loss of a receivable by the fund due to the default of the debtor on the due date associated with investments in bonds, money market, or diversified assets. In the event of a deterioration in the quality of issuers, the value of such assets may result in a reduction in the fund’s net asset value.
Currency risk: some investments may be denominated in currencies other than the Euro, and their value may therefore vary according to the exchange rate.
For more information, please contact the management company.